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Not a Sinner

I am not a sinner who has been saved.  

That’s not my identity.

A few years ago, when I finally decided to give myself over to The Lord, I confessed. I admitted all of the sins I had committed against Him and asked for forgiveness. It was so good at first, and I was so glad to give it to God, but I started to notice that even months after I had confessed I was still feeling the guilt and shame from it all. I had confessed but I hadn’trepented. I was still calling myself a sinner.  

A lot of us don’t realize the negative connotations that phrase can put on us and what it can make us think about ourselves.

Yes, I have sin in my life, we all do, but that’s not where I will find my true identity. When I call myself a sinner all it does is produce negative thoughts about myself; the mistakes I’ve made, my wrongdoing, negligence, guilt, shame. Those negative thoughts are straight from the enemy who is ever so persistent on reminding me of it all.

But instead, now I keep my eyes fixed on Christ. When I look at Him I can see the reflection of who I really am and who He’s made me to be; and He calls me by name.

I am not a sinner who has been saved.

I am a daughter who has been redeemed.

The good news is that this identity is true for everyone! You are not a sinner you are a son or daughter. You have the opportunity to stop looking at yourself for the sins you have committed and start seeing yourself for who you really are.

The Father sees you as flawless through the blood of Christ, it’s time you start seeing that too.

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”     John 1:12