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Thoughts & Inspiration

Where is the Safest Place?

Think of a safe place for yourself; it could be anywhere.  Your home, your car, a friends’ home, the beach, the mountains, shopping mall, the possibilities are almost endless.  

Now think of a place that is not so safe.  Maybe the not so safe place is your home, or the beach, or the mountains, or…a different country.  

There are so many dangerous places in our world today.  Disease stricken countries where viruses are growing rapidly and places where natural disasters are happening daily are not on my top places to visit.  Areas of the world where we, as Christians, are not welcome and are actually sought after to be killed seem like the last places on earth we should go to.  

But what if we were called to go there? What if God Himself ordained you or me to be a light to  those people?  

Would you say yes?

When Jonah was called to go to Nineveh he definitely didn’t say yes right away.  He tried to run from God (which is a whole other concept that I find quite humerous), and for good reason too.  The Ninevites were known for their brutality especially towards the Israelites and so of course Jonah didn’t want to go.  But look at the beauty of what happened when he finally said yes; the Ninevites repented and God showed mercy on them.  

This is what God wants to do.  He wants to bring grace and peace to those who have been in rebellion against Him, and He wants you and me to partner with Him in that.  He is a good good Father and wherever He calls you to go may sound terrifying, but He has good things waiting for you in it.  It is so amazing to see the mighty works He does through you when you lay down your life in surrender to Him.

So live in radical safety, live freely and live fully for the Lord.  And remember, wherever He has called you to be, that is the safest place you can be.